IMCUSTOMEYE is a 4 year project funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Programme under the Photonics 2017 KET topic, comprising 10 research institutions, universities and companies, coordinated by Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spain. IMCUSTOMEYE will develop a tool based on innovative photonics and modelling approaches in response to the need to personalize healthcare in ophthalmology, improve diagnostics and health outcomes, reduce costs and promote active and healthy ageing, while complying with the objectives of the EU Horizon 2020. IMCUSTOMEYE will contribute to a more effective, customised treatment of eye diseases and to reinforce industrial leadership in the area of diagnostic imaging in ophthalmology. |
From the lab to the product
DiagnosticsDevelopment of an innovative imaging product for quantification of corneal biomechanical properties based on air-puff and nano-sensitive OCT
InterdisciplinarityTechnology based on imaging concepts established in different disciplines to be used, for the first time, in a commercial device
Clinical validationDemonstration of the technology through its validation on different clinical sites for its future commercialization
Prof. Susana Marcos Celestino Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) |
Instituto de Optica "Daza de Valdés" (CSIC) Calle Serrano 121 CP 28006 Madrid (Spain) |